Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
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Baldini Gianfranco
Il referendum e l'impossibile riforma elettorale / Gianfranco Baldini
Italian politics & society : The review of the Conference group on Italian politics and society. - 2007, p. 9-18
Il referendum e l’impossibile riforma elettorale / Gianfranco Baldini
Bardi Luciano
Electoral change and his impact on the party system in Italy
West European politics. - 30 (2007), n. 4, p. 711-732
Pasquino Gianfranco
South European election watch : tricks and treats : the 2005 Italian electoral law and its consequences
South European society and politics. - 12 (2007), n. 1, p. 79-93
Pasquino Gianfranco -
Bull Martin
A long quest in vain : institutional reforms in Italy
West European politics. - 30 (2007), n. 4, p. 670-691
Ferrara Federico
Two in one : party competition in the Italian single ballot mixed system
Electoral studies. - 25 (2006), n. 2, p. 329-350
Katz Richard S.
Electoral reform in Italy : expectations and results
Acta politica. - 42 (2006), n. 3, p. 285-299
Massetti Emanuele
Electoral reform in Italy : from PR to mixed system and (almost) back again
Representation. - 42 (2006), n. 3, p. 261-269
Italy: a case of fragmented bipolarism / Roberto D'Alimonte
In: The politics of electoral systems / edited by Michael Gallagher and Paul Mitchell. - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford university press, 2005. - p. 253-276
Cox Karen E. -
Schoppa Leonard J.
Interaction effects in mixed-member electoral systems : theory and evidence from Germany, Japan, and Italy
Comparative political studies. - 35 (2002), n. 9, p. 1027-1053
Furlong Paul
The italian political system in 2001 : radical change and work in progress
In: The Italian general election of 2001 : Berlusconi's victory / a cura di James Newell. . - Manchester ; New York : Manchester University Press, 2002. - p. 11-28
Katz Richard S.
Reforming the Italian electoral law, 1993
In: Mixed-member electoral systems : the best of both worlds? / edited by Matthew Soberg Shugart and Martin P. Wattenberg. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University press, 2001. - p. 96-122
Mudambi Ram -
Navarra Pietro -
Sobbrio Giuseppe
Rules, choice and strategy : the political economy of italian electoral reform
Cheltenham ; Northampton : Elgar, 2001. - 216 p. - (The Locke Institute series)
Donovan Mark
The politics of electoral reform in Italy
International political science review. - 16 (1995), n. 1, p. 47-64
Katz Richard S.
The 1993 parliamentary electoral reform
In: Italian politics : ending the first Republic / edited by Carol Mershon and Gianfranco Pasquino. . - Boulder : Westview Press, 1995. - p. 93-112
Parisi Arturo -
Corbetta Piergiorgio
The referendum on the electoral law for the Senate : another momentous April
In: Italian politics : ending the first Republic / edited by Carol Mershon and Gianfranco Pasquino. . - Boulder : Westview Press, 1995. - p. 75-92
Furlong Paul
Government stability and electoral systems : the Italian example
Parliamentary affairs. - 44 (1991), n. 1, p. 50-59
Pasquino Gianfranco
That obscure object of desire : a new electoral law for Italy
West European politics. - 12 (1989), n. 3, p. 280-294
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