Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
De Cesare, Ilaria
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the centrality of the representative body in the Italian legal system be preserved? / Ilaria De Cesare
Consulta online : periodico telematico. - 2021, n. 3, p. 781-788
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the ce...
Lupo Nicola -
Griglio Elena
Parliamentary administrations in the bicameral systems of Europe : joint or divided? / Elena Griglio, Nicola Lupo
Journal of legislative studies. - 2021, p. 1-22
Parliamentary administrations in the bicameral systems of Europe : joi...
Giurickcovic Dato, Anna
From the "Democratic Crisis" to the "Partecipatory Democracy". : The French "Débat public" as an inspiring model / Anna Giurickovic Dato
Italian journal of public law. - 2019, n. 2 , p. 787-820
From the "Democratic Crisis" to the "Partecipatory Democracy". : The F...
Lupo Nicola
The failed constitutional reform of the Italian Senate / Nicola Lupo
DPCE on line : prospettive di diritto pubblico comparato. - 2019, n. 2, p. 1595-1608
The failed constitutional reform of the Italian Senate / Nicola Lupo
Carrozza Paolo
The Paradoxes of Constitutional Reform / Paolo Carrozza
The Italian law journal. - 2017, Special Issue, p. 1-13
The Paradoxes of Constitutional Reform / Paolo Carrozza
Romeo Graziella
The Italian constitutional reform of 2016 : an "exercise" of change at the crossroad between constitutional maintenance and innovation / Graziella Romeo
The Italian law journal. - 2017, Special issue, p. 1-18
The Italian constitutional reform of 2016 : an "exercise" of change at...
Mecca Giuseppe
The omnipotence of Parliament in the legitimisation process of ‘representative government’ under the Albertine Statute (1848–1861) / Giuseppe Mecca
In: Reconsidering constitutional formation. 1: National sovereignty : A comparative analysis of the juridification by constitution / Ulrike Müßig editor. - [S.l.] : Springer, 2016. - p. 159-214
The omnipotence of Parliament in the legitimisation process of ‘repres...
Arban Erika
Discussing a reform of the Senate : a comparison between Italy and Canada / Erika Arban
The Italian law journal. - 1 (2015), n. 2, p. 273-302
Discussing a reform of the Senate : a comparison between Italy and Ca...
Bifulco Raffaele
A new Senate? A first look at the draft constitutional bill / Raffaele Bifulco
Italian journal of public law. - 2014, n. 1, p. 47-54
A new Senate? A first look at the draft constitutional bill / Raffaele...
Cerulli Irelli Vincenzo
On the constitutional reform in the process of being approved in Italy / Vincenzo Cerulli Irelli
Italian journal of public law. - 2014, n. 1, p. 21-31
On the constitutional reform in the process of being approved in Italy...
Della Cananea Giacinto
The end of (symmetric) bicameralism or a novus ordo? / Giacinto della Cananea
Italian journal of public law. - 2014, n. 1, p. 1-7
The end of (symmetric) bicameralism or a novus ordo? / Giacinto della ...
Vigevani Giulio Enea
The reform of Italian bicameralism : the first step / Giulio Enea Vigevani
Italian journal of public law. - 2014, n. 1, p. 55-83
The reform of Italian bicameralism : the first step / Giulio Enea Vige...
Violini Lorenza
The reform of Italian bicameralism : current issues / Lorenza Violini
Italian journal of public law. - 2014, n. 1, p. 33-45
The reform of Italian bicameralism : current issues / Lorenza Violini
Fusaro Carlo
Bicameralism in Italy : 150 years of poor design, disappointing performances, aborted reforms / Carlo Fusaro
[s. l.] : [s. n.], 2012. - 14 p.
Bicameralism in Italy. : 150 years of poor design, disappointing perf...
Bartole Sergio
The Italian case: bicameralism between constitutional reforms and defence of the status quo
In: Bicamérisme et représentation des regions et des collectivités locales : le rôle des secondes chambres en Europe. - Paris : Sénat, 2008. - (Le colloques du Sénat : les actes)