Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
De Cesare, Ilaria
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the centrality of the representative body in the Italian legal system be preserved? / Ilaria De Cesare
Consulta online : periodico telematico. - 2021, n. 3, p. 781-788
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the ce...
Vasino Giulia
Legislative unresponsiveness in the current stage of the Italian constitutional justice : a brief overview / Giulia Vasino
Nomos : le attualità nel diritto. - 2021, n. 2, p. 1-18
Legislative unresponsiveness in the current stage of the Italian const...
Vosa Giuliano
Questioning Representative Sovereignty : The Italian Head of State in "Post-State" / Giuliano Vosa
The Italian law journal. - 2021, n. 1, p. 171-199
Questioning Representative Sovereignty : The Italian Head of State in ...
Conti Nicolò -
Russo Federico -
Pedrazzani Andrea
Policy polarisation in Italy : the short and conflictual life of the ‘government of change’ (2018–2019) / Nicolò Conti, Andrea Pedrazzani, Federico Russo
South European society and politics. - 23 (2020), n. 3-4, p. 317-350
Policy Polarisation in Italy : the short and conflictual life of the ‘...
Giurickcovic Dato, Anna
From the "Democratic Crisis" to the "Partecipatory Democracy". : The French "Débat public" as an inspiring model / Anna Giurickovic Dato
Italian journal of public law. - 2019, n. 2 , p. 787-820
From the "Democratic Crisis" to the "Partecipatory Democracy". : The F...
Stradella Elettra
Italy after the constitutional referendum : legal and political scenarios, from the public debate to the "electoral question" / Elettra Stradella
Italian journal of public law. - 2017, Special issue, p. 1-22
Italy after the constitutional referendum: : legal and political scena...
Marangoni Francesco
The activity and legislative achievements of the Renzi government after two years in office / Francesco Marangoni
Contemporary Italian politics. - 8 (2016), n. 2, p. 200-210
The activity and legislative achievements of the Renzi government afte...
Ciolli Ines
The constitutional consequences of financial crisis and the use of emergency powers : flexibility and emergency sources / Ines Ciolli
Rivista AIC [Associazione italiana dei costituzionalisti]. - 2015, n. 1, p. 1-22
The constitutional consequences of financial crisis and the use of eme...
Cozzoli Vito
Parliamentary groups in the evolving Italian political system / Vito Cozzoli
Duquesne law review. - 52 (2014), n. 1, p. 177-208
Parliamentary groups in the evolving Italian political system / Vito C...
Falletti Elena
Direct democracy and the prohibition of the binding mandate : the Italian debate / Elena Falletti
[S. l.] : [s. n.], 2014. - p. 1-16
Direct democracy and the prohibition of the binding mandate : the Ital...
Direct democracy and the prohibition of the binding mandate : the Ital...
Pintz Anne
National Parliaments overcoming collective action problems inherent in the early warning mechanism : the cases of Monti II and EPPO / Anne Pintz
Rome : LUISS School of government, 2014. - iv, 37 p. - (Working paper series / School of government LUISS Guido Carli ; 22/2014)
National Parliaments overcoming collective action problems inherent in...
Corini Felice -
Pinto Luca
Government formation under the shadow of a core party : the case of the First Italian Republic / Luigi Corini, Luca Pinto
Party politics. - 19 (2013), p. 502-522
Testo del paper
Testo derivante dal Paper presentato alla 24. conferenza annuale della Società italiana di scienza politica (SISP), Università di Venezia IUAV, 16-18 September, 2010, con il titolo: "Breaking the inertia: government formation under the shadow of a core party: the Italian case during the First Republic"
B21 - Il rapporto di fiducia, le crisi di governo
Corini Felice,
Pinto Luca
Curini Luigi
Sources of bargaining power during policy government negotiations : parliamentary dynamics and ideological advantages throughout the First Italian Republic
Società italiana di scienza politica. - null (2011), null
< >
Paper presentato alla conferenza annuale della Società italiana di scienza politica (Palermo, 8-10 settembre 2011).
Basato sull'analisi dei dibattiti precedenti il voto di fiducia ai governi dal 1946 al 1994
B20 - Parlamento e Governo: aspetti generali
Curini Luigi
De Giorgi Elisabetta -
Marangoni Francesco
The Italian parliamentary opposition in the alternation era : how consensual, and why?
Società italiana di scienza politica. - null (2011), null
Martelli Paolo -
Curini Luigi
Ideological proximity and valence competition : negative campaigning through allegation of corruption in the Italian legislative arena from 1946 to 1994
Electoral studies. - 29 (2010), n. 4, p. 636-647
Albertazzi Daniele -
Brook Clodagh -
Ross Charlotte
From Parliament to virtual piazza? Opposition in Italy in the age of Berlusconi
Bulletin of Italian politics. - 1 (2009), n. 1, p. 111-123
Kreppel Amie
Executive-legislative relations and legislative agenda setting in Italy : from leggine to decreti and deleghe
Bulletin of Italian politics. - 1 (2009), n. 2, p. 183-209
Padovano Fabio -
Venturi Larissa
Wars of attrition in Italian government coalitions and fiscal performance, 1948-1994
Public choice. - 109 (2001), n. 1-2, p. 15-54
Testo in JSTOR
De Franciscis Maria Elisabetta
Electing the President : Italian style
Presidential studies quarterly. - 16 (1986), p. 451-459
Testo in JSTOR