Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
Mecca Giuseppe
In keeping with the spirit of the Albertine Statute : Constitutionalisation of the national unification / Giuseppe Mecca
In: Reconsidering constitutional formation. 2: Decisive constitutional normativity : from old liberties to new precedence / Ulrike Müßig editor. - [S.l.] : Springer, 2018. - p. 311-352
In keeping with the spirit of the Albertine Statute : Constitutionalis...
Marangoni Francesco
The activity and legislative achievements of the Renzi government after two years in office / Francesco Marangoni
Contemporary Italian politics. - 8 (2016), n. 2, p. 200-210
The activity and legislative achievements of the Renzi government afte...
Ciolli Ines
The constitutional consequences of financial crisis and the use of emergency powers : flexibility and emergency sources / Ines Ciolli
Rivista AIC [Associazione italiana dei costituzionalisti]. - 2015, n. 1, p. 1-22
The constitutional consequences of financial crisis and the use of eme...
Tucciarelli Claudio
Legislative drafting and political will / Claudio Tucciarelli
Amministrazione in cammino : rivista elettronica di diritto pubblico, diritto dell'economia e di scienza dell'amministrazione / a cura del Centro di ricerca sulle amministrazioni pubbliche "Vittorio Bachelet". - 2015, 18 luglio, p. 1-5
Legislative drafting and political will / Claudio Tucciarelli
Giuliani Marco -
Borghetto Enrico
The pace of the legislative process : a diachronic analysis of the Italian legislature (1996-2006) / Enrico Borghetto, Marco Giuliani
[S.l.] : [s.n.], 2014
The pace of the legislative process : a diachronic analysis of the Ita...
Borghetto Enrico -
Pellegata Alessandro
Exploring bill winnowing in the Italian Chamber of Deputies (1996-2012) / Enrico Borghetto, Alessandro Pellegata
[S. l.] : [s. n.], 2013. - 31 p.
Exploring bill winnowing in the Italian Chamber of Deputies (1996-2012...
Giuliani Marco -
Borghetto Enrico
A long way to Tipperary : time in the Italian legislative process 1987-2008
South European society and politics. - 17 (2012), n. 1, p. 23-44
Borghetto Enrico
Does power tire those who do have it? : exploring why Italian executives do not exercise the legislative powers they are delegated / Enrico Borghetto
[S. l.] : [s. n.], 2009. - 28 p.
Does power tire those who do have it? : exploring why Italian executi...
Kreppel Amie
Executive-legislative relations and legislative agenda setting in Italy : from leggine to decreti and deleghe
Bulletin of Italian politics. - 1 (2009), n. 2, p. 183-209
Stinga Laurentiu
Still elected dictators? A study of executive accountability to the legislature in multi-party democracies across time : Italy (1947-2006), Argentina (1982-2006) and Romania (1992-2007) / Laurentiu Stinga
[S. l.]. : [s. n.], 2009. - 34 p.
Still elected dictators? : a study of executive accountability to the...