Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
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Palmirani Monica -
Bresciani, Pier Francesco
Constitutional Opportunities and Risks of AI in the law-making process / Pier Francesco Bresciani-Monica Palmirani : rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comunitario e comparato. - 2024, n. 2, p. 1-18
Constitutional Opportunities and Risks of AI in the law-making process...
Ceccarini Luigi -
Bordignon Fabio -
Salvarani, Giacomo
Fleeing the ballot box : behind the unprecedented abstention in the 2022 Italian general election / Fabio Bordignon, Luigi Ceccarini, Giacomo Salvarani
Etica pubblica : studi su legalità e partecipazione. - 2023, 2, p. 57-74
Fleeing the ballot box : behind the unprecedented abstention in the 20...
Legnante Guido -
Regalia Marta
How do gender quotas get subverted? : insights from the Italian 2018 general elections / Marta Regalia, Guido Legnante
Representation. - 59 (2023), n. 3, p. 531-547
How do gender quotas get subverted? : insights from the Italian 2018 g...
Improta, Marco
Voters, issues, and party loyalty : the 2022 Italian election under the magnifying glass / Marco Improta, Elisabetta Mannoni, Costanza Marcellino, Federico Trastulli
Quaderni dell'osservatorio elettorale. - 85 (2022), n. 2, p. 3-27
Voters, issues, and party loyalty : the 2022 Italian election under th...
Verzichelli Luca
The impossible stability? : the Italian Lower House parliamentary elite after a decade of crises / Luca Verzichelli, Bruno Marino, Francesco Marangoni and Federico Russo
Frontiers in political science. - 4 (2022), n. 4, 1-15
The impossible stability? : the Italian Lower House parliamentary elit...
Angelucci, Davide -
Vittori, Davide
Are all populist voters the same? : institutional distrust and the Five Star Movement in Italy / Davide Angelucci, Davide Vittori
South European society and politics. - 26 (2021), n. 3, p. 303-327
Are all populist voters the same? : Institutional distrust and the Fiv...
De Cesare, Ilaria
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the centrality of the representative body in the Italian legal system be preserved? / Ilaria De Cesare
Consulta online : periodico telematico. - 2021, n. 3, p. 781-788
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the ce...
Font Nuria -
Tsakatika Myrto -
Graziano Paolo
Varieties of Inclusionary Populism? : SYRIZA, Podemos and the Five Star Movement / Nuria Font, Paolo Graziano, Myrto Tsakatika
Government and opposition. - 2021, n. 1, p. 163-183
Varieties of Inclusionary Populism? : SYRIZA, Podemos and the Five Sta...
Lupo Nicola -
Griglio Elena
Parliamentary administrations in the bicameral systems of Europe : joint or divided? / Elena Griglio, Nicola Lupo
Journal of legislative studies. - 2021, p. 1-22
Parliamentary administrations in the bicameral systems of Europe : joi...
Vasino Giulia
Legislative unresponsiveness in the current stage of the Italian constitutional justice : a brief overview / Giulia Vasino
Nomos : le attualità nel diritto. - 2021, n. 2, p. 1-18
Legislative unresponsiveness in the current stage of the Italian const...
Vosa Giuliano
Questioning Representative Sovereignty : The Italian Head of State in "Post-State" / Giuliano Vosa
The Italian law journal. - 2021, n. 1, p. 171-199
Questioning Representative Sovereignty : The Italian Head of State in ...
Conti Nicolò -
Russo Federico -
Pedrazzani Andrea
Policy polarisation in Italy : the short and conflictual life of the ‘government of change’ (2018–2019) / Nicolò Conti, Andrea Pedrazzani, Federico Russo
South European society and politics. - 23 (2020), n. 3-4, p. 317-350
Policy Polarisation in Italy : the short and conflictual life of the ‘...
Coticchia Fabrizio -
Vignoli Valerio
Italian Political Parties and Military Operations : An Empirical Analysis on Voting Patterns / Fabrizio Coticchia, Valerio Vignoli
Government and opposition. - 2020, n. 3, p. 456-473
Italian Political Parties and Military Operations : An Empirical Analy...
Pinto Luca -
Pansardi Pamela
Gender penalty and electoral outcomes in the 2018 Italian elections / Pamela Pansardi, Luca PInto
Contemporary Italian politics. - 2020, n. 3, p. 300-313
Gender penalty and electoral outcomes in the 2018 Italian elections / ...
Sampugnaro Rossana -
Montemagno, Francesca
Women and the Italian general election of 2018 : selection, constraints and resources in the definition of candidate profiles / Rossana Sampugnaro, Francesca Montemagno
Contemporary Italian politics. - 2020, n. 3, p. 329-349
Women and the Italian general election of 2018: selection, constraints...
International Standards on the Right to Participation of Minorities in Public Life and Representation of Minorities in the Hungarian and the Italian Parliaments
DPCE on line : prospettive di diritto pubblico comparato. - 2019, n. 2, p. 1667-1683
International Standards on the Right to Participation of Minorities in...
Giurickcovic Dato, Anna
From the "Democratic Crisis" to the "Partecipatory Democracy". : The French "Débat public" as an inspiring model / Anna Giurickovic Dato
Italian journal of public law. - 2019, n. 2 , p. 787-820
From the "Democratic Crisis" to the "Partecipatory Democracy". : The F...
Lupo Nicola
The failed constitutional reform of the Italian Senate / Nicola Lupo
DPCE on line : prospettive di diritto pubblico comparato. - 2019, n. 2, p. 1595-1608
The failed constitutional reform of the Italian Senate / Nicola Lupo
Camera dei Deputati. Servizio studi. Dipartimento istituzioni
The first enforcement of electoral law no. 165/2017 : summary data / Camera dei deputati, Servizio studi, Dipartimento istituzioni
Roma : [Camera dei deputati], 2018. - i, 55 p. - (Documentazione e ricerche : XVIII legislatura ; 11/1)
The first enforcement of Electoral Law no. 165/2017 : summary data / ...
Carrozza Paolo
The Paradoxes of Constitutional Reform / Paolo Carrozza
The Italian law journal. - 2017, Special Issue, p. 1-13
The Paradoxes of Constitutional Reform / Paolo Carrozza
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