Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
De Cesare, Ilaria
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the centrality of the representative body in the Italian legal system be preserved? / Ilaria De Cesare
Consulta online : periodico telematico. - 2021, n. 3, p. 781-788
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the ce...
Fasone Cristina
Catalysing Marginalisation? : The Effect of Populist Governments on the Legislative and Scrutiny Functions of the Italian Parliament / Cristina Fasone
Parliamentary affairs. - 74 (2021), n. 4, p. 802-818
Marangoni Francesco
The activity and legislative achievements of the Renzi government after two years in office / Francesco Marangoni
Contemporary Italian politics. - 8 (2016), n. 2, p. 200-210
The activity and legislative achievements of the Renzi government afte...
Ceccanti Stefano
Constitutional change : an explanation / Stefano Ceccanti
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 20 (2015), n. 2, p. 202-212
Ciolli Ines
The constitutional consequences of financial crisis and the use of emergency powers : flexibility and emergency sources / Ines Ciolli
Rivista AIC [Associazione italiana dei costituzionalisti]. - 2015, n. 1, p. 1-22
The constitutional consequences of financial crisis and the use of eme...
Verzichelli Luca -
Marangoni Francesco
From a technocratic solution to a fragile Grand Coalition : the impact of the economic crisis on parliamentary government in Italy / Francesco Marangoni & Luca Verzichelli
Journal of legislative studies. - 21 (2015), n. 1, p. 35-53
Musella Fortunato
A premier without Parliament : the legislative process in the Italian second republic / Fortunato Musella
Journal of comparative politics. - 7 (2014), n. 1, p. 4-17
Marangoni Francesco
From fragile majoritarianism to the "technocratic addendum" : some data on the legislative activity of the governments of the sixteenth legislature / Francesco Marangoni
Contemporary Italian politics. - 5 (2013), n. 1, p. 71-81
Zucchini Francesco -
Pedrazzani Andrea
Horses and hippos : why and how Italian government bills change in the legislative arena (1987-2006) / Andrea Pedrazzani, Francesco Zucchini
European journal of political research. - 52 (2013), n. 5, p. 687-714
Fabbrini Sergio
The institutional odyssey of the Italian parliamentary republic / Sergio Fabbrini
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 17 (2012), n. 1, p. 10-24
Curini Luigi
Sources of bargaining power during policy government negotiations : parliamentary dynamics and ideological advantages throughout the First Italian Republic
Società italiana di scienza politica. - null (2011), null
< >
Paper presentato alla conferenza annuale della Società italiana di scienza politica (Palermo, 8-10 settembre 2011).
Basato sull'analisi dei dibattiti precedenti il voto di fiducia ai governi dal 1946 al 1994
B20 - Parlamento e Governo: aspetti generali
Curini Luigi
Kreppel Amie
Executive-legislative relations and legislative agenda setting in Italy : from leggine to decreti and deleghe
Bulletin of Italian politics. - 1 (2009), n. 2, p. 183-209
Marangoni Francesco
The legislative activity of the Government in figures: the Prodi I, Berlusconi II, Prodi II and Berlusconi IV executives compared
Bulletin of Italian politics. - 1 (2009), n. 2, p. 321-331
Pelizzo Riccardo
Nihil novi sub sole? Executive power, the Italian Parlamento and the 'war on terror'
Journal of legislative studies. - 15 (2009), n. 2-3, p. 277-293
Vassallo Salvatore
Government under Berlusconi : the functioning of the core institutions in Italy
West European politics. - 30 (2007), n. 4, p. 692-710
Newell James L.
Characterising the Italian parliament : legislative change in longitudinal perspective
Journal of legislative studies. - 12 (2006), n. 3-4, p. 386-403
Sulla capacità del Governo di dirigere l'attività legislativa dopo le riforme elettorali del 1993 e la crisi del sistema politico italiano.
Pubblicato anche in: Comparing and classifying legislatures / edited by David Arter. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2007. - p. 129-146
B20 - Parlamento e Governo: aspetti generali
Newell James L.
Pasquino Gianfranco
The government, the opposition and the President of the Republic under Berlusconi
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 8 (2003), p. 485-500
Pelizzo Riccardo -
Babones Salvatore J.
Determinants of legislative effectiveness : the Italian case
Quaderni di scienza politica. - 8 (2001), n. 2, p. 301-323
Di Napoli Mario
Origins of the vote of confidence to the Cabinet in Italian parliamentary system (1848-1948)
In: Contributions to European parliamentary history / edited by Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, Mikel Urquijo. . - Bilbao : Juntas generales de Bizkaia, 1999. - p. 765-778
Lancaster Thomas D.
Executive-legislative relations in Southern Europe
South European society and politics. - 1 (1996), n. 2, p. 186-205