Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
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Garzia Diego
The Italian parliamentary election of 2022 : the populist radical right takes charge / Diego Garzia
West European politics. - 46 (2023), n. 5, p. 1038-1048
Legnante Guido -
Regalia Marta
How do gender quotas get subverted? : insights from the Italian 2018 general elections / Marta Regalia, Guido Legnante
Representation. - 59 (2023), n. 3, p. 531-547
How do gender quotas get subverted? : insights from the Italian 2018 g...
Pedrazzani Andrea -
Pansardi Pamela
Do (strong) gender quotas make a difference? Multiple candidacies as a party gatekeeping strategy in Italy / Pamela Pansardi, Andrea Pedrazzani
Party politics. - 29 (2023), n. 4, p. 711-725
Camatarri Stefano -
Østergaard -
Nielsen Eva
Styles of Representation in Constituencies in the Homeland and Abroad : The Case of Italy
Parliamentary affairs. - 75 (2022), n. 1, p. 195-216
Chiaramonte Alessandro -
Emanuele Vincenzo -
Paparo Aldo -
Maggini Nicola
Radical-right surge in a deinstitutionalised party system : the 2022 Italian general election / Alessandro Chiaramonte, Vincenzo Emanuele, Nicola Maggini, Aldo Paparo
South European society and politics. - 27 (2022), n. 3, p. 329-357
Improta, Marco
Voters, issues, and party loyalty : the 2022 Italian election under the magnifying glass / Marco Improta, Elisabetta Mannoni, Costanza Marcellino, Federico Trastulli
Quaderni dell'osservatorio elettorale. - 85 (2022), n. 2, p. 3-27
Voters, issues, and party loyalty : the 2022 Italian election under th...
Improta, Marco
Unpacking government instability : cabinet duration, innovation and termination events in Italy between 1948-2021 / Marco Improta
Quaderni di scienza politica. - 29 (2022), n. 2, p. 151-180
Verzichelli Luca
The impossible stability? : the Italian Lower House parliamentary elite after a decade of crises / Luca Verzichelli, Bruno Marino, Francesco Marangoni and Federico Russo
Frontiers in political science. - 4 (2022), n. 4, 1-15
The impossible stability? : the Italian Lower House parliamentary elit...
Albertazzi Daniele -
Zulianello, Mattia
Populist electoral competition in Italy : the impact of sub-national contextual factors / Daniele Albertazzi, Mattia Zulianello
Contemporary Italian politics. - 13 (2021), n. 1, p. 4-30
Angelucci, Davide -
Vittori, Davide
Are all populist voters the same? : institutional distrust and the Five Star Movement in Italy / Davide Angelucci, Davide Vittori
South European society and politics. - 26 (2021), n. 3, p. 303-327
Are all populist voters the same? : Institutional distrust and the Fiv...
Casiraghi Matteo Cesare Mario -
Testini Francesco
Appeals to Authority in Political Rhetoric : Machiavelli in the Italian Parliament 1945–1994 / Matteo Cesare Mario Casiraghi, Francesco Testini
Parliamentary affairs. - 74 (2021), n. 2, p. 333-353
De Cesare, Ilaria
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the centrality of the representative body in the Italian legal system be preserved? / Ilaria De Cesare
Consulta online : periodico telematico. - 2021, n. 3, p. 781-788
Constitutional degradation and the Italian Parliament : how can the ce...
De Ninno Fabio
Italian civilian victims of war : assistance, legislation and war pensions from Fascism to Republic / Fabio De Ninno
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 26 (2021), n. 3, p. 291-313
Fasone Cristina
Catalysing Marginalisation? : The Effect of Populist Governments on the Legislative and Scrutiny Functions of the Italian Parliament / Cristina Fasone
Parliamentary affairs. - 74 (2021), n. 4, p. 802-818
Font Nuria -
Tsakatika Myrto -
Graziano Paolo
Varieties of Inclusionary Populism? : SYRIZA, Podemos and the Five Star Movement / Nuria Font, Paolo Graziano, Myrto Tsakatika
Government and opposition. - 2021, n. 1, p. 163-183
Varieties of Inclusionary Populism? : SYRIZA, Podemos and the Five Sta...
Ieraci Giuseppe -
Pericolo, Elisabetta
Political space and party system in Italy (2018-2020) : a content analysis of the parliamentary debates over the investiture speeches of two populist governments / Giuseppe Ieraci and Elisabetta Pericolo
Quaderni di scienza politica. - 28 (2021), n. 1, p.63-87
Lupo Nicola -
Griglio Elena
Parliamentary administrations in the bicameral systems of Europe : joint or divided? / Elena Griglio, Nicola Lupo
Journal of legislative studies. - 2021, p. 1-22
Parliamentary administrations in the bicameral systems of Europe : joi...
Magistro, Beatrice -
Wittstock, Nicolas
Changing preferences versus issue salience : the political success of anti-immigration parties in Italy / Beatrice Magistro, Nicolas Wittstock
South European society and politics. - 26 (2021), n. 3, p. 383-411
Vasino Giulia
Legislative unresponsiveness in the current stage of the Italian constitutional justice : a brief overview / Giulia Vasino
Nomos : le attualità nel diritto. - 2021, n. 2, p. 1-18
Legislative unresponsiveness in the current stage of the Italian const...
Vosa Giuliano
Questioning Representative Sovereignty : The Italian Head of State in "Post-State" / Giuliano Vosa
The Italian law journal. - 2021, n. 1, p. 171-199
Questioning Representative Sovereignty : The Italian Head of State in ...
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