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Portale storico della Camera dei deputati

Bibliografia del Parlamento

Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
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  • Improta, Marco
    Unpacking government instability : cabinet duration, innovation and termination events in Italy between 1948-2021 / Marco Improta
    Quaderni di scienza politica. - 29 (2022), n. 2, p. 151-180

  • Fasone Cristina
    Catalysing Marginalisation? : The Effect of Populist Governments on the Legislative and Scrutiny Functions of the Italian Parliament / Cristina Fasone
    Parliamentary affairs. - 74 (2021), n. 4, p. 802-818

  • Ieraci Giuseppe - Pericolo, Elisabetta
    Political space and party system in Italy (2018-2020) : a content analysis of the parliamentary debates over the investiture speeches of two populist governments / Giuseppe Ieraci and Elisabetta Pericolo
    Quaderni di scienza politica. - 28 (2021), n. 1, p.63-87

  • Zucchini Francesco - Pedrazzani Andrea
    Italy: continuous change and continuity in change / Francesco Zucchini and Andrea Pedrazzani
    In: Coalition governance in western Europe / edited by Torbjörn Bergman, Hanna Bäck, Johan Hellström. - Oxford university press, 2021. - p. 396-447

  • Ieraci Giuseppe
    Re-shaping the political space : continuity and alignment of parties in the Italian parliament / Giuseppe Ieraci
    Contemporary Italian politics. - 2019, n. 2, p. 158-176

  • Grimaldi Selena - Nesti Giorgia
    The reluctant activist : the Italian parliament and the scrutiny of EU affairs between institutional opportunities and political legacies / Giorgia Nesti, Selena Grimaldi
    Journal of legislative studies. - 24 (2018), n. 4, p. 546-567

  • Valbruzzi Marco
    When populists meet technocrats : The Italian innovation in government formation / Marco Valbruzzi
    Journal of modern Italian studies. - 23 (2018), n. 4, p. 460-480

  • Verzichelli Luca - Marangoni Francesco
    Italy: when responsibility fails. Parliamentary opposition in times of crisis / Francesco Marangoni and Luca Verzichelli
    In: Opposition parties in European legislatures : conflict or consensus? / edited by Elisabetta De Giorgi and Gabriella Ilonszki. - London ; New York : Routledge, 2018. - p. 73-94

  • Capuano Davide Alberto
    European affairs within the Senate of the Republic / Davide A. Capuano
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 119-137. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Esposito Antonio
    European affairs within the Chamber of Deputies / Antonio Esposito
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 99-118. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Fasone Cristina
    The coordination with the regional councils / Cristina Fasone
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 139-156. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Gianniti Luigi
    The 2016 attempted reform of the Italian Senate in a European perspective / Luigi Gianniti
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 305-315. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Griglio Elena
    Procedures vis-à-vis the European Parliament and other national parliaments : interparliamentary cooperation / Elena Griglio
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 195-214. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Guastaferro Barbara
    Procedures vis-à-vis the "Masters of the treaties" : the parliamentary role in the revision of the treaties / Barbara Guastaferro
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 247-264. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Ibrido Renato
    Formulating and implementing EU law and policies : "ascending" and "descending" phases and beyond / Renato Ibrido
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 55-66. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Kreppel Amie
    Understanding the impact of the autonomy of national legislatures on the EU policy process / Amie Kreppel
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 267-284. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Lindseth Peter L.
    Afterword: European democracy and national parliaments (through the prism of Matteo Renzi) / Peter L. Lindseth
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 335-347. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Lupo Nicola
    Procedures vis-à-vis the Commission : the subsidiarity scrutiny as a way to 'reconnect' EU democracy / Nicola Lupo
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 159-178. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Lupo Nicola - Piccirilli Giovanni
    Introduction: The Italian Parliament and the new role of national parliaments in the European Union / Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 1-16. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Lupo Nicola - Piccirilli Giovanni
    Conclusion: "silent" constitutional transformations : the Italian way of adapting to the European Union / Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 317-333. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)
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