Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
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De Ninno Fabio
Italian civilian victims of war : assistance, legislation and war pensions from Fascism to Republic / Fabio De Ninno
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 26 (2021), n. 3, p. 291-313
Ragazzoni David
Silvio Spaventa and Marco Minghetti on party government / David Ragazzoni
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 24 (2019), n. 2, p. 293-323
Mecca Giuseppe
In keeping with the spirit of the Albertine Statute : Constitutionalisation of the national unification / Giuseppe Mecca
In: Reconsidering constitutional formation. 2: Decisive constitutional normativity : from old liberties to new precedence / Ulrike Müßig editor. - [S.l.] : Springer, 2018. - p. 311-352
In keeping with the spirit of the Albertine Statute : Constitutionalis...
Mecca Giuseppe
The omnipotence of Parliament in the legitimisation process of ‘representative government’ under the Albertine Statute (1848–1861) / Giuseppe Mecca
In: Reconsidering constitutional formation. 1: National sovereignty : A comparative analysis of the juridification by constitution / Ulrike Müßig editor. - [S.l.] : Springer, 2016. - p. 159-214
The omnipotence of Parliament in the legitimisation process of ‘repres...
Costalli Stefano -
Ruggeri Andrea
Forging political entrepreneurs : civil war effects on post-conflict politics in Italy / Stefano Costalli, Andrea Ruggeri
Political geography. - 44 (2015), n. 1, p. 40-49
Valbruzzi Marco
Is trasformismo a useful category for analysing modern Italian politics? / Marco Valbruzzi
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 19 (2014), n. 2, p. 169-185
Soddu Francesco
The Italian Parliament between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century : paths of research / Francesco Soddu
In: Ricordo di Antonio Marongiu : giornata di studio, Roma, 16 giugno 2009 / a cura di Maria Sofia Corciulo. - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2013. - p. 115-121. - (Studies presented to the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions ; 92)
Fusaro Carlo
Bicameralism in Italy : 150 years of poor design, disappointing performances, aborted reforms / Carlo Fusaro
[s. l.] : [s. n.], 2012. - 14 p.
Bicameralism in Italy. : 150 years of poor design, disappointing perf...
Ricci Paolo
Explaining standing order reforms in the Camera dei Deputati during the liberal age
Journal of modern Italian studies. - 17 (2012), n. 1, p. 25-44
Soddu Francesco
The "Commissioni di vigilanza" in the Nineteenth Century Italian Parliament
In: Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche = Representative assemblies, territorial autonomies, political cultures. . - Sassari : Editrice democratica sarda, 2011. - p. 316-328
Venturini Fernando
BPR: a bibliography of the Italian Parliament : the evolution from the book form to a digital library
In: Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche = Representative assemblies, territorial autonomies, political cultures. . - Sassari : Editrice democratica sarda, 2011. - p. 183-190
Il Senato italiano : una storia per immagini dalle collezioni Alinari = The Italian Senate : a history in images from the Alinari collections
[Roma] : Senato della Repubblica, 2010. - 221 p.
Isoni Alessandro
The Italian Senate as High Court of Justice : impeachment for breaches of ministerial liability
In: Parlamentos : a lei, a prática e as representaçoes : da idade média à actualidade = Parliaments : the law, the practice and the representations : from the Middle Ages to the present day. . - Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 2010. - p. 303-308
Soddu Francesco
Magistrates in the Italian Parliament during the fascist era
In: Parlamentos : a lei, a prática e as representaçoes : da idade média à actualidade = Parliaments : the law, the practice and the representations : from the Middle Ages to the present day. . - Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 2010. - p. 329-334
Mandel Michael
The umbearable flexibility of the Statuto albertino ; with an essay by Massimo Rinaldi, Riferimenti storici sulle problematiche attinenti alla effettività della forma di governo in età statutaria, specificamente negli anni 1848-49
Bologna : Clueb, 2006. - xii, 169 p.
Augello Massimo M.
The italian economists in parliament from 1860 to 1922 : a quantitative analysis
The european journal of the history of economic thought. - 12 (2005), n. 2, p. 279-321
Soddu Francesco
The Italian Parliament at work, 1861-1876
Parliaments, estates and representation. - 25 (2005), p. 135-148
Mastropaolo Alfio -
Verzichelli Luca -
Cotta Maurizio
Parliamentary elite transformations along the discontinuous road of democratization : Italy 1861-1999
In: Parliamentary representatives in Europe 1848-2000 : legislative recruitment and careers in eleven European countries / edited by Heinrich Best and Maurizio Cotta. - Oxford : Oxford University press, 2000. - p. 226-269
Di Napoli Mario
Origins of the vote of confidence to the Cabinet in Italian parliamentary system (1848-1948)
In: Contributions to European parliamentary history / edited by Joseba Agirreazkuenaga, Mikel Urquijo. . - Bilbao : Juntas generales de Bizkaia, 1999. - p. 765-778
Di Napoli Mario
The Italian Chamber of Fasci and Corporazioni : a substitute for Parliament in a totalitarian regime / Mario Di Napoli
In: Repräsentation in Föderalismus und Korporativismus / Wilhelm Braunede, Elisabeth Berger (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 1998. - p. 253-265
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