Bibliografia del Parlamento
Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
Verzichelli Luca
The impossible stability? : the Italian Lower House parliamentary elite after a decade of crises / Luca Verzichelli, Bruno Marino, Francesco Marangoni and Federico Russo
Frontiers in political science. - 4 (2022), n. 4, 1-15
The impossible stability? : the Italian Lower House parliamentary elit...
Pinto Luca -
Pansardi Pamela
Gender penalty and electoral outcomes in the 2018 Italian elections / Pamela Pansardi, Luca PInto
Contemporary Italian politics. - 2020, n. 3, p. 300-313
Gender penalty and electoral outcomes in the 2018 Italian elections / ...
Martocchia Diodati Nicola -
Marino Bruno
Masters of their fate? Explaining MPs’ re-candidacy in the long run: the case of Italy (1987-2013) / Bruno Marino, Nicola Martocchia Diodati
Electoral studies. - 2017, n. 48, p. 1-9
Sampugnaro Rossana
The Italian foreign constituency and its MPs / Rossana Sampugnaro
Contemporary Italian politics. - 2017, n. 2, p. 162-184
Vercesi Michelangelo -
Pansardi Pamela
Party Gate-Keeping and Women's Appointment to Parliamentary Committees : Evidence from the Italian Case / Pamela Pansardi, Michelangelo Vercesi
Parliamentary affairs. - 70 (2017), n. 1, p. 62-83
Leonida Leone -
Fedeli Silvia -
Forte Francesco
The law of survival of the political class : an analysis of the Italian parliament (1946-2013) / Silvia Fedeli, Francesco Forte, Leone Leonida
European journal of political economy. - 35 (2014), p. 102-121
Zuddas Paolo -
Piccirilli Giovanni
Assisting Italian MPs in pre-legislative scrutiny : the role played by Chambers' counsellors and legislative advisors in enhancing the knowledge and skills development of Italian MPs : the assistance offered to an autonomous collection of information
Parliamentary affairs. - 65 (2012), n. 3, p. 672-687
Russo Federico
The constituency as a focus of representation : studying the Italian case through the analysis of parliamentary questions
Journal of legislative studies. - 17 (2011), n. 3, p. 290-301
The constituency as a focus of representation : studying the Italian c...
Tronconi Filippo -
Marangoni Francesco
When territory matters: parliamentary profiles and legislative behaviour in Italy (1987-2008)
Journal of legislative studies. - 17 (2011), n. 4, p. 415-434
Vecchione Michele -
Francescato Donata -
Mebane Minou -
Sorace Roberta
Personality foundations of ideological divide : a comparison of women members of Parliament and women voters in Italy
Political psychology. - 31 (2010), n. 5, p. 739-762
Golden Miriam A. -
Picci Lucio
Pork-barrel politics in postwar Italy, 1953-94
American journal of political science. - 52 (2008), n. 2, p. 268-289
Augello Massimo M.
The italian economists in parliament from 1860 to 1922 : a quantitative analysis
The european journal of the history of economic thought. - 12 (2005), n. 2, p. 279-321
Pasquino Gianfranco
In the Italian Senate: a personal memoir
European political science. - 2005, n. 2, p. 129-140
Golden Miriam A.
Electoral connections : the effects of the personal vote on political patronage, bureaucracy and legislation in postwar Italy
British journal of political science. - 33 (2003), n. 2, p. 189-212
Chang Eric C.C.
Competitive corruption factional conflict and political malfeasance in postwar Italian Christian Democracy
World politics. - 53 (2001), n. 4, p. 588-622
Recchi Ettore
Politics as occupational choice : youth self-selection for party careers in Italy
European sociological review. - 15 (1999), n. 1, p. 107-204
Verzichelli Luca
The parliamentary elite in transition
European journal of political research. - 34 (1998), n. 1, p. 121-150
Recchi Ettore
Fishing from the same schools : parliamentary recruitment and consociationalism in the first and second Italian Republics
West European politics. - 1996, n. 2, p. 340-359.
Beckwith Karen
Comparative research and electoral systems : lessons from France and Italy
Women and politics. - 12 (1992), n. 1, p. 1-33
Beckwith Karen
Sneaking women into office : alternative access to parliament in France and Italy
Women and politics. - 9 (1989), n. 3, p. 1-15